Member Reviews

James Lavorgna
Making a change to Elite Assurance Team would not only provide you with all the products that you have currently right now, but also it's on a boutique type basis. You're not just a number.
Todd Smith
I started working with EAT because they knew the virtual family office, business model & instead of having to recreate the wheel and explain another organization it was a hand in glove fit for me. 
Eric Restrepo
The service level that I get from Ashley, Christie and the team is just significantly better than some of the other folks I've worked with in the past. The compensation is as good if not much better than, most of the other IMO relationships that I've had in the past.
Jason Bright
Having a team that can write for multiple carriers allows me to be really solution agnostic just to really try to find the right thing for the client regardless comes from.
Jeffrey Rainer
Before EAT, I would reach out to different carriers, & have to do a little bit of my own background work & try and think of solutions & then find the best carrier for those solutions...EAT sort of eliminated a lot of that background work that I had to do. So I had just had one place, to be able to, to get my information from, who represented a vast array of different providers. I for lack of better terms, just a one stop shop.
Kwesi Robotham
If you have some experience or you're working with, a clientele that are a little bit farther upstream, maybe a little bit higher net worth. You need to have solutions that compensate you based on on what you bring to the table. The compensation that goes to the street with with perfectly aligned with someone that is, like myself, really focusing on business owners high income earning executives.
Sterling Hirsch
With EAT, I'm working in a collaborative environment where these guys know exactly what I'm trying to accomplish...We're just trying to bring value to [our best clients] and and focus on their biggest needs. And when we do that first, and Elite Assurance Team knows what we're trying to accomplish, we're able to synchronize those those goals and activities more efficiently as opposed to just selling products.
Ralph Hastings-Spaine
When I came across Elite, the Elite Resource Team, and I see the relationship with EAT, I see this is one where I cannot only learn, but I can also build a business.
Lloyd Herlong
The ERT and EAT ecosystem really helps connect the ERT specialist with EAT so that client solutions can be implemented smoothly and effectively.
Hal Cromwell
It's pretty phenomenal the the growth rate. Always adding resources, always evolving to be more user friendly, and to be more comprehensive.
Greg Keiper
The support that they give me has been top notch. And that's the biggest thing. Having so many irons in the fire, knowing that I can trust them to do what they say they're gonna do is has been such an important key for me.
Gina Tang
I got a lot of support, full support, and I'm so happy for that. And this year is significant. I made so much growth, maybe like three times than last year.
Jack Branch
EAT has somebody for life insurance, somebody for annuities, and then other products or services that EAT offers, and it just made it very straightforward and more of a partnership than us trying to go through this maze and figure it all out.
Chris Wallace
One of the real advantages of using the EAT system is I have a single website that I can go to, and all of my business is there. When I go to my case status screen, every single thing I'm working on is right there on one page.
Al Devji
I was just blown away by the solutions that, you all provide to our clients and it's just amazing that the solutions are available.
Michael Simms
They get it. They understand what we're doing and how we're applying the product to the solution and where it fits in the best interest of the client.
Andy Bowman
I came on early and, I've seen you guys build and grow. And what you've done is just amazing.