Life Insurance

Providing life insurance solutions and tools that make the process more streamlined is what the partner of Elite Assurance Team can expect. We offer in-depth product knowledge, many carrier relationships, and innovative programs, tools, and services to help you propel your life insurance business to a different level.

Back-Office Team

The Back-Office Team helps you determine the best option for your client’s situation. Your Team members factor in the client’s goals and supplies you with the best solution to meet their needs. This allows us to help you develop and deliver your plan keeping you doing what you do best, helping more clients.

Case Design

Life Insurance products have many options and you want to be sure you are recommending the best possible product that meets your customers objectives. Meeting your customers’ needs is of the upmost importance. That’s why our Team has understanding of the industry, carrier relationships, and in-depth product knowledge to help you find the right solution that meets your customer’s needs. It is nice to know you have a Back-Office Team working with you, because the less time you spend working in the business, the more time you can spend working on your business.

Intelligent Quoting & Illustrations

Ensight™ Intelligent Quote is transforming case design operations. It uses a single-entry quoting system and is designed to streamline the illustration process. With this intuitive design you will be able to quickly diagnose which Life Insurance carrier is best with any given criteria and be able to rank the carriers appropriately. Then you are able to share this with the client using the supporting illustration. This system can reduce your time involvement in case preparation by up to 45%. 

InsMark Illustration System

InsMark Illustration System helps consumers and financial service professionals identify, understand and capitalize on planning opportunities that exist or arise due to market conditions or tax law with special emphasis on cash value life insurance products and their role in the overall financial services industry. Using creativity, innovation and real-world, expertise in designing products and services, InsMark generates easy to understand solutions to complex financial issues.

In-house Underwriting

When you are preparing solutions to meet your customers’ needs and objectives, we can help you not only determine and illustrate the right product, we also help with the specialized services like underwriting. Our EAT Underwriting Team has 30+ years of underwriting experience and is here to help you achieve the best possible results. 

The way it works is, when you’re submitting your application to the carrier for underwriting, your objective is to achieve the best outcome from the carrier as quick as possible with the best possible health rating for your client. We can help position and present the impaired risk cases and offer needed hand holding to get the results you are looking for, a satisfied client.

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